One Month / $14.95
Three Months / $39.95
Three Days / $2.95

Please note that your subscription to is a legal contract between you and Roxanne Galla, which is not revocable after you have entered the members area and taken advantage of the benefits of membership. Your submission of your credit card information is equivalent to a legal signature; and your IP address will be retained to verify your identity. No chargebacks will be accepted unless you FIRST submit proof that your credit card was stolen to Roxanne Galla; and any person who attempts to charge back his or her membership fee after taking advantage of membership will be investigated and, if appropriate, prosecuted for fraud. ALSO NOTE that membership is granted under this contract only to the credit card holder and his or her immediate family. Any member who gives his or her user name and password to others, or posts it anywhere on the Internet, is subject to having that membership terminated immediately and without refund for the unused membership period.